Sights, programs on Hollókõ:
The church; The castle of Hollókõ; Museums; History classes about the Middle Ages; Working on a potters-wheel; Geocaching
Sights, programs on the neighbourhood:
Nógrádszakál; Páris stream valley; The fossils from Ipolytarnóc; Mohora; Pásztó; Fishing; Reservoir at Maconka; Stone-hole hillside; Kishartyán; Szécsény; Gliding; Rock-climbing; Mátrakeresztes; Balassagyarmat; Csesztve
Sights, programs on Hollókõ
The church
The little Roman Catholic church covered with shingle with a wooden tower is the symbol of the village. Was being built in 1889, it adjusts perfectly in style and sight to the old houses of old village. The very simple styled building has red brick on the floor, and whitewashed walls.
The Castle of Hollókõ
Visiting the castle you may take a look at the weekdays of the knightly life, or the festive castle games may be inspected.
The visitors may receive a picture in the village's different museums from Hollókõ’s past, from it’s inhabitants, folk costume, and the Palóc traditions.
Working on a potters-wheel
The local potter shows the bases of working on a potters-wheel, the visitors may try their creativity. On request we make an appointment beforehand.
Latitude N 47° 59,809'
Longitude E 19° 34,955'
Altitude: 352 m
County: Nógrád
Moving on the 21 main road connecting Hatvan and Szécsény, from distance from two dots the fortress ruins with a picturesque position appear. To reach you must turn toward west at the point: az N 47° 54,043' E 19° 40,524' 179 m [GCHoKo+1.Letero], and after leaving Felsõtold you must turn towards west again: N 47° 59,402' E 19° 36,865' 258 m [GCHoKo+2.Letero]. Arriving into the village look for the big parking lot at the point of: N 47° 59,795' E 19° 35,373' 349 m [GCHoKo+Parkolo]. You’ll find free parking places here. About 550 meters walking leads you to the castle. You can also reach the castle from the Old Village, which road is shorter but sheer.
The cache is under a bigger rock band, in the covering of a briar.
The geobox is a 20x20x7,5 cm kitchen one, plastic, container box
Sights, programs on the neighbourhood
Nógrádszakál; Páris stream valley
The area between Litke and Nógrádszakál is based on an rising andesite blanket, which was part of Osztrovszki-mountains. During long millions of years the river Ipoly cut down this area from the south-east side of the mountain. The Páris stream it is not a real stream, because it has no water in it’s valley all the time. This Nógrád’ Grand Canyon is dry for the bigger part of the year. But when big rains come or the snow is melting, beautiful waterfalls can appear in the 15-20 meter deep valley with a vertical wall.
The fossils from Ipolytarnóc
From the deeper layers of the walls of the gullies, or on the erosive hillsides shark teeth, the imprints of petrified trees, letter imprints, fossil animals turn up onto the surface in their original, genuine stage.
One of the most spectacular vegetal residues, the fossil ancestor pine, which had a 46 meters long trunk at the time when it was discovered. It’s heigt was approx. 100 meters, when being alive..
Mauks Ilona Memorial House and Memorial Park, 2698 Mohora, Kossuth Lajos street 25.
Tolnay Klári Memorial House, 2698 Mohora, Kossuth Lajos street 30.
We find a famous monument collection in the city's centre. Here is the cistercian monastery in barokk style, besides, north from this a garden of ruins with the base of the benedictine monastery from the XII. century. You can find here the glasshouse from the Middle Ages and the house of the school principal. This house is the only one in Hungary which can be reconstructed and shows the culture of the rurban citizen from that time.
Gallery Csohány – Pásztó, Museum Square 1.
The building of the gallery was bulit in classicist, an early eclectic style, around 1830. Kálmán Csohány was born in this city, he is a famous graphic artist, the building raises a memorial to him since 2001.
Museum of Pásztó, Cistercian Monastery, Pásztó, Museum Square 1.
The former Cistercian religious house was built on the medieval monastery's bases between 1715 and 1720. We may make the acquaintance of Local History Museum’s interesting substance between these walls. There is also a memorial room for the famous musician, Rajeczky Benjámin.
Fishing at Reservoir Maconka
The angling opportunities are most manifold on the Maconkai reservoir because of the roughness of the bed and his variety. It is possible to divide it up into seasons in the function of the water temperature and a water depth actually.
Spring angler places:
We may be really fruitfull on the noon part of the depot, the shallow, section cut up with reeds in spring. The labyrinth between the cane islands and channels hides plenty of fish during March, April and May.
Summer angler places:
We may be fruitful on the whole area of the depot actually, but separate attention is deserved at this time by the 1,5-2 m-es bed breaks.
Autumn, late autumn angler places
The fish start being concentrated in the neighbourhood of pitting places, near the deep water, because the water is getting cold day by day.
Capital fish races
People in Maconka are very proud of the big quantity of the fish in the depot.
They have 33 different species, among them there are 12 different types of carp. There are some of them which can peacefully get along beside each other (long carp from Danube, long carp from Tisza).
Stone-hole hillside
The 13 hectare geological formations are at a standstill under protection of nature conservation. It’s about 30-50 meter high, 300 meter long, almost vertical gritstone wall. There is a cave consisting of more rooms, which protected for long years those who were attacked. In the Middle Ages probably hermits lived here. In one of the county descriptions Mátyás Bél wrote that the cave had „door” and „windows”. Early medieval pot fractions turned up from the stem of the cliff. Saved because of his geologic values rare rock plant communities live on the stone wall. Can be visited free!
Forgách Castle – Kubinyi Ferenc Museum - Ady Endre Street 7. The Forgách castle is Szécsény’s most spectacular building. It is a valuable memory of the Hungarian rural baroque architecture. Since 1973 is a museum, named after Ferenc Kubinyi, Hungarian legal expert, reform-age politician and paleontologist. The park of the castle is a nature conservation area. The museum was opened on 1st of June, 2006 and has the following constant exhibitions: The history of the Széchény castle; The message of millenia ages – archeology exhibition; enterior exhibition: a woman’s suite in a castle from the 19th century; The history of the castles from Nógrád; Rákóczi exhibition.
Franciscan church and monastery
The monastery was built between 1694-1734 with a vaulted cloister and a closed formal courtyard. We can get from the church into the monastery's upstairs room with a Gothic vault, where sovereign Rákóczi spent some time. In 1989 the building was bought into the possession of the Franciscan again.
The fire watch tower - Szécsény, Rákóczi Street 86.
The tower was built on the memory of the expiration of the plague, and it was built upon the place of a belfry. In 1893 was rebuilt as a two floor high tower for the Fireguard. In 1929 they built a third floor upon the two, and the building got a helmet with a tin lid. The whole building is apparently lopsided, falls towards north. In 2004 a new exhibition opened about the story of the Fire watch tower and a fireman exhibition.
The hang-gliders and cable-car umbrellas count by today as the modern substances and the mature constructions for safe sports equipments. Mátra hills are a perfect place for the lovers of gliding. The free airspace, the tall and long mountain ranges, the opportunity of long-distance flight (more than 100 km), calls the pilots from all over the country.
Rock-climbing – Mátrakeresztes
On volcanic rocks rising in the valley of the rattle brook on Mátrakeresztes, enthusiastic sportsmen developed popular climbing pathways. Here for the beginners from an ideal doctrine orbit, other cliffs with a different altitude and difficulty level can be found.
The city's most important place is the Palóc Múzeum which can be hit in the middle of Palóc liget. The bulding was built and planed in 1914, according to the plans of Gyula Walder. The title of the constant ethnographic exhibition: From a cradle to the grave (peasant holidays and weekdays in Nógrád county). The exhibition represents the events of the Palóc peasant life, and the changes of fortune. In the museum you can visit Nagy Iván’s constant exhibition and some Madách and Mikszáth relic are visible.
Csesztve - Madách Imre memorial Museum
On Csesztve can be found the museum of the Madách mansion, The tragedy of the man author’s museum. The building helps us to imagine the period when the house a nobiliary building was. One part of the objects was Madách family's property, as well the cradle of Madách Imre can be found here. In the second hall the inland passport, the master copies of the police observer sheet, and manuscripts can be observed. |